Health Risk Assessments in Pomona, CA
Be proactive with routine yearly physicalsYour health is your life, and at Anabi Medical, we’re here to support the greatest well-being of our patients with regular wellness exams. Both men and women can stay healthier by regularly scheduling yearly physicals, examinations, blood work, and check-ups. These wellness checks become especially important as you grow older, to monitor the risk and development of preexisting or potential conditions. Adults and seniors can prevent life-changing conditions from taking them by surprise when they monitor their health and proactively seek treatment. Our staff can assist patients with scheduling to provide ease of access and convenience—create a patient portal account to get started.
Learn More About Wellness Exams
Well-woman exams include a clinical breast examination and may include a pelvic exam and pap smear. Depending on your age and medical history, they may also include mammograms, laboratory tests, and bone density. Your primary care doctor can determine an appropriate assessment and treatment plan.
Wellness exams for men include prostate antigen test (PSA), testosterone levels, and a complete physical exam. Your primary care physician can determine an appropriate assessment and treatment plan, including the necessity of other tests.
Wellness exams allow providers to gain information about the patient, including medical and family history, health risks, and specific vitals that help the provider and patient develop a personalized prevention plan.