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Body Contouring Treatments
Reduce Fat & Improve Muscle Definition

Dynamic Body Contouring in Pomona, CA

Support your strength & weight loss goals.

While health and fitness are incredibly worthwhile pursuits, achieving your wellness goals shouldn’t be harder than it needs to be. Injuries, time constraints, and finding a suitable workout regimen can make it difficult to see your desired results. At Anabi Medical, we are proud to support our patients with the easy, safe, and effective EvolveX system of therapies. By triggering involuntary muscle contractions and carefully targeting fat cells, patients are able to achieve their workout goals quickly and progressively.

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An initial consultation with one of our experienced providers is the best way to determine whether treatments with this body contouring system are right for you. They can help determine which treatment or combination of treatments can help you best achieve your body goals.

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EvolveX Membership

Consecutive weekly treatments targeting the same area will produce the best possible results, which is why we offer a convenient membership program. Membership is $1000 per month, with a 3-month minimum. Upon successful completion of their 3-month treatment regimen, patients can purchase the annual membership for $7,000 or purchase another 3-month package for $3,000. Weight, measurements, and photos will be done before the treatment starts and every 4-6 weeks to track progress. Membership details and benefits include:

One office visit per week
1.5 to 2-hour sessions per week (max 8 hours/month)
Only one area treated per session
Streamlines your wellness journey
Consistent & well-paced treatment sessions
Progress tracking for motivation & analysis
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What can I expect?

Evolve‘s Body contouring is non-invasive and non-surgical, there is zero downtime. No recovery period or downtime is involved. It is a quick and painless treatment that only takes about 30 to 60 minutes depending on the treatment area, allowing you to return to your normal activity right away. The treated area may appear red and feel warm for several hours, similar to what you can experience after a deep tissue massage.

Are Evolve Treatments Safe?

Evolve is a safe and effective treatment that delivers exceptional results that can be used on all skin types and skin tones. During treatments, the body’s temperature is constantly monitored, with real-time updates on the skin’s temperature at any time during the procedures. It is designed with a Patient Call Button so you can easily pause your treatment at any time and have clinic staff make adjustments to ensure your comfort.

Treatment Areas

Evolve body contouring treatments are suitable for areas with excess fat, loose or sagging skin, or cellulite. Common treatment areas include:

Learn More About Contouring Devices & Services

EvolveX is a hands-free, non-invasive body transforming treatment with RF energy heating and muscle stimulation. Its innovative design has multiple technologies, Tite, Tone, and Transform for customized body treatments. EvolveX by Inmode offers non-surgical body remodeling to treat stubborn fat, sculpt the abdomens, lift the buttocks, and tone the hips. This all-in-one platform delivers multiple technologies on one system to remodel your skin, target body fat, and tone your muscles.

Evolve Tite uses bipolar radiofrequency energy (RF) technology to gently heat the layers below the skin’s surface, targeting collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are the building blocks of the skin responsible for its firmness, suppleness, smoothness, and healthy appearance. This heating allows the collagen in the skin to remodel and rebuild, resulting in a smoother, firmer, and rejuvenated appearance. Tite can help firm up lax skin due to weight loss, aging, or pregnancy.

During your Tite treatment you can expect a warming of your skin similar to a hot stone massage.

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Evolve Tone works by delivering electromagnetic energy stimulation (EMS) to stimulate involuntary muscle contractions to target specific muscle groups to increase muscle strength and refine the look of muscles leaving you with a more toned and defined physique.

During your Tone treatment, you can expect the Tone applicators to emit direct EMS stimulation that will induce muscle contractions. You will feel your muscle contract similar to what you would experience during work out like an abdominal crunch, but at a more intense and faster speed than can be performed during exercise. Each Tone treatment session provides the same benefit of completing 5000 crunches in 20 minutes.

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Evolve Transform (formerly known as Evolve Trim) is an all-in-one aesthetic platform that can Tite, Tone, and Trim in a single session. Evolve Transform is an innovative treatment that builds and strengthens muscles while enhancing the appearance of your skin and treating fat without needles or surgery. The combination of technologies delivers a no downtime alternative for sculpting your body.

The six hands-free applicators are placed against your skin, emitting Radiofrequency energy (RF) for deep heating of tissue and subcutaneous fat, and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to induce forced muscle contractions that are not achievable during workouts. Combining two procedures in one visit allows you to reduce cellulite and improve your tone and shape quickly and painlessly. Evolve Transform has taken body sculpting to the next level, enhancing a sculpted, leaner appearance with tighter skin, smoothing cellulite, and melting fat while you relax over your lunch hour!

Evolve is a multiple-treatment, and you can expect to see an improvement in the appearance of cellulite, reduction in fat volume, toned and sculpted muscles, and tightened and rejuvenated skin. Results will continue to develop for up to six to eight weeks after your last appointment. We recommend starting with six treatments, spaced one week apart. The number of treatments needed can vary from patient to patient, and treatment plans vary based on the patient’s ultimate goals. When you commit to the process and attend the recommended number of sessions, know that you will achieve some incredible results.

Evolve treatment effects are long-lasting and vary over time, depending on how you maintain weight through diet and exercise. We recommend maintenance treatments once or twice a year to extend results.

This innovative body contouring system is for anyone with small areas of fat that persist despite diet and exercise, cellulite, or those seeking more muscle tone and definition. Evolve is not a substitute for liposuction or weight loss. You may not be an ideal candidate for Evolve if you have any of the following:

  • Body Mass Index (BMI) greater than 30
  • Pacemaker or other electronic implants
  • Metal plates, screws, etc. in the treatment area

Patients who have reached or are close to their goal weight make the best candidates for these treatments.

  • Evolve is the Tesla of non-invasive body contouring!
  • Evolve is the very latest in cutting edge technology for non-invasive body contouring.
  • Evolve has proprietary artificial intelligence software built in that measures the temperature of your skin in micro-seconds to ensure it is always maintaining the most therapeutic temperature consistently and safely. This provides optimal results that last.
  • With Evolve we can tighten the skin, reduce fat and increase muscle tone – all with one device!
  • Evolve uses bi-polar radio frequency energy – the gold standard for skin tightening and fat remodeling.
  • Clinical research clearly indicates a 40-48% tissue contraction ie. “skin tightening” with RF technology.
  • Yes, you can combine Tite, Trim and Tone for the results you are looking for.
  • Yes, you will need maintenance to keep your skin looking tight and your muscles looking toned.
  • How often will depend on your goals, desired outcomes, body type, skin condition, and activity level.
  • Evolve is best done in packages of 6 for best most optimal results.
  • We can treat up to two areas at a time with Evolve.
  • There is no discomfort or downtime associated with Evolve.
  • Evolve can be done in an hour on your lunch break.
  • Evolve is done once per week for 6 weeks.
  • We can treat just about any part of your body other than your face and neck.
  • Most patients begin to see marked results after 3 -4 treatments.

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